
Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers - providing support to charities at home and abroad with lovingly hand knitted and sewn items.

There are now 2528 members and 133 groups around the county knitting, crocheting and stitching for charity. We support many charities from orphanages and families abroad to small projects at home. Age is no barrier - members range from the young to some well over 100. We have groups in diverse situations reflecting the whole community. Get in touch if you are interested - there's room for everyone!

Please click on an acknowledgement for more information.
16/01/2025 - Soul in the City
A big thank you for all the knitted hats, gloves and scarves that your group has produced for us.
14/01/2025 - Thank you from EAAA
Huge thank you from Freya and all at EAAA for the knitted Chocolate Orange Covers
18/12/2024 - HomeInStead
Thank you for supporting our 'Be A Santa' campaign 2024.
17/12/2024 - English+
Thank you so much for all the goodies
16/12/2024 - Phoenix Centre
Thanks to Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers for donations of cosy winter hats and blankets
15/12/2024 - RAF Veterans Association
Thank you to everyone who made scarves for the RAF veterans

Want to become a member... it's free with lots of benefits.

Monthly updates, with news and items required. There are always people and organisations asking for items and we do our best to fulfil them all. You will find all the information you need about us and lots of free patterns to download on this website.

Please contact Laurie Bolt via email at nkasmembership@gmail.com and include your telephone number in your membership request.



West Norfolk – Something special – a surprise. Come along and find out what it is.

Norwich – New Fashion DK £1 a 100gm ball that we have in stock and while stocks last.

Great Yarmouth – New Fashion DK £1 a 100gm ball – of shades of blue.

To find out more about our Resource Centres click the link RESOURCE CENTRES at the top of this page