At Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers we pride ourselves in telling our members that whatever they knit or stitch we will find a good home for it.
However, at certain times charities will ask us for specific items and listed below are items which are currently being requested:
Projects - General Information
- we can no longer accept Fish and Chip Jumpers we do not have an outlet for them
- tie together items such as socks, gloves, snuggle triangles with wool - please do not use safety pins
- check to ensure that no needles or pins are left in the items donated
- all toys that are donated to organisations within the EU must be stress tested
- toys donated to organisations outside the EU should be marked 'EU non-compliant' if they have not been
stressed tested (for example toys donated to IATs)
- be especially careful with baby items. There should be no rough edges that may harm the baby
- all decorations (for example on twiddlemuffs) should be securely attached.
If you have a problem finding a pattern please contact Elly Reynolds (
NB: If you want your item(s) to be donated to a specific charity please mark this clearly on the item(s). If a specific charity is not mentioned then the Resource Centre will decide where the item(s) will be sent. Also, if you do not want your item(s) to be sold at a Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers event then again please indicate this when donating your item(s) otherwise the Resource Centre will assume that you don't mind.
Requests from Charities
Single bed sized blankets" for local homeless charities, women's refuge and refugee/asylum seeker charities
PACT - are desperate for dog and cat blankets. Please send by post to Sarah, Woodrising, River Farm, Woodrising, Hingham NR9 4PJ
Greyhound Rescue - dog coats for greyhounds
Cats Protection League - blankets for cat baskets and mice for the cats to play with
Morsbags for various Food Banks
Also required:
Linda (Norwich):
Baby clothes and blankets; large blankets; children's jumpers and cardigans' adult hats and fingerless gloves in dark colours - for North Norfolk Aid for Ukraine
Bags (shopping size) for the Food Bank.
Blankets for cats and mice for them to play with
Avril (Norwich):
Baby blankets at least 60cmsx60cms for NNUH
Heather (South Norfolk):
Trauma Teds and Policemen for the Norfolk Police & Ambulance
Worry Worms & Toys for Children's A & E Dept West Suffolk Hospital Bury St Edmunds. Please make Worry
worms without googly eyes.
Blankets - Chair, Bed or Lap sizes for Ashmore Care Home Stanton
Wiggly Worms for Big C Cancer Centre Norwich N& N
Baby blankets & Baby Clothes 0-18 months.
Hot Water Bottle Covers - Banham Community Centre
Stephanie (West Norfolk):
Pet blankets, dog coats and pet toys for animal charities in West Norfolk
Trauma Teddies for Day Surgery at QEH – please ensure knitted close and stuffed firmly with scarves attached and, Trauma Teds for Ambulance Teddies for the Ambulance Service in West Norfolk.
Horses and Donkeys for Riding for the Disabled
Ducks for Sally's Duck Rescue
Gill (Great Yarmouth):
Hats, scarves and adult short fingered/fingerless gloves. Dark colours for homeless charities and all colours for Seafarers' Mission in Great Yarmouth
Cuffed Shawls
Ladies Cardigans (any size any style) – for various care homes
Cushions with removable covers – various charities
Soft toys for care homes
Hot Water Bottle Covers - Banham Community Centre
Kate (North Norfolk):
Animal sensory bands – make out of soft fluffy yarn for care homes. The pattern is on our web site
Dog coats and Dog blankets – for various charities
Hedgehogs and hedgehog related items (these can be sent direct to Hedgehog Haven, 22 Thirlby Road, North Walsham, NR28 9BH by post or left in porch)
Adult socks, gloves and hand mittens - required by the Salvation Army
British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDLMR) - seals, mermaids, whales, dolphins and porpoises.
Knitted squares (not crocheted) preferably 6 inch square with a long end of yarn left.
Small red or pink knitted hearts in pairs
Small silver or gold doves and angels for hospitals
Knitted Nurses (similar to the trauma teddies).
Where possible patterns are on our website. If a pattern is not available then please use one of your own.
Don't forgot that not all items have to be knitted. They can be crocheted or stitched.